Affiliate Programs vs Coupons: What’s the Difference?

Affiliate Programs vs Coupons: What’s the Difference?

Table of content


Benefits for Businesses


Affiliate Programs

Benefits for Businesses


How Can SMBs Benefit From Partnering With Admitad

Understanding Peak and Rise Plans

Rise Plan

Peak Plan

Benefits of Peak and Rise Plans for SMBs


Small and medium-sized businesses often use various marketing strategies to attract customers and boost sales when it comes to online shopping and e-commerce. Two popular methods that companies frequently employ are coupons and affiliate programs. While both can be effective in driving traffic and increasing revenue, they serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics. Let’s take a closer look at the key differences between coupons and affiliate programs to understand how they can benefit businesses and consumers.


Coupons are promotional codes or vouchers that offer discounts or special deals on products or services. Customers can use these coupons during checkout to receive a percentage off their purchase, free shipping, or other incentives.

Purpose: Coupons are primarily used as a short-term marketing tactic to attract new customers, retain existing ones, and encourage repeat purchases. They create a sense of urgency and incentivize consumers to make a purchase by providing them with cost savings.

Benefits for Businesses

Streamlined Sales Attribution

While there are various intricate attribution models, coupon-based tracking provides a straightforward, transparent, and uncomplicated method to directly link sales to your affiliates.

Expanded Audience Reach

Coupons offer a wider network of publishers, including social media influencers and content creators who favor direct and simple promotional approaches. Broaden your audience, diversify your traffic origins, and discover new audience demographics.

Transparent, Predictable Costs

Through the Cost Per Sale (CPS) model, you only incur a fee for completed sales, making your marketing expenditure more effective and foreseeable.

Customized Promotions

Each publisher receives a unique code, ensuring that promotions are personalized and targeted, boosting the relevance and efficiency of your marketing campaigns.

Cross-Browser and Cross-Device Tracking

Achieve seamless conversion tracking across different browsers and devices without the need for cookies. If you partner with Admitad, the coupon-based approach guarantees precise attribution for every conversion, regardless of the device or browser your customers use to complete their purchases.


Profit Margins: Offering too many discounts through coupons can impact profit margins.

Brand Perception: Overuse of coupons may lead customers to perceive the brand as low-value or cheap.

Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs are partnerships between businesses and individuals (publishers) who promote the company’s products or services in exchange for a commission on sales generated through their unique affiliate links.

Purpose: Affiliate programs are designed to leverage the reach and influence of publishers to drive traffic and sales for the business. Publishers earn a commission for each sale or lead they generate through their promotional efforts.

Benefits for Businesses

Cost-Effective Marketing

Businesses only pay publishers when they successfully drive a sale or lead, making it a cost-effective marketing strategy.

Expanded Reach

Publishers can help businesses reach new audiences and markets that they may not have access to otherwise.


Affiliate programs are performance-based, meaning businesses can track the effectiveness of their campaigns and adjust strategies accordingly.

Brand Advocacy

Publishers who believe in the product or service can serve as brand advocates, enhancing credibility and trust.


Unstability: Numerous kinds of traffic lack the capability for retention, meaning the ability to re-engage the same user and profit from their future purchases. You lose connection with your user, from whom you’ve made a profit once, but cannot do so again.

Ad-blocking Software: Adblock, ePrivacy, and numerous other elements can adversely impact order tracking due to user browser settings. For instance, Adblock is utilized by 700 million internet users globally on both desktop and mobile, and in certain countries, this number accounts for up to 40% of the active online population..

How Can SMBs Benefit From Partnering With Admitad

It’s no secret that small and medium businesses (SMBs) often face challenges in reaching their target audience and driving sales in a competitive digital landscape. 

In a bid to assist SMBs in overcoming these hurdles, Admitad offers Peak and Rise plans tailored to the specific needs of smaller businesses. Here’s how Peak and Rise plans can benefit SMBs and help them achieve their marketing goals effectively.

Understanding Peak and Rise Plans

Rise Plan

The Rise Plan is aimed at SMBs looking to scale their affiliate marketing strategies and expand their reach. It provides advanced tools and resources to help businesses optimize their affiliate campaigns and achieve sustainable growth.

Peak Plan

The Peak plan is designed to provide SMBs with access to premium marketing tools such as loyalty progams, coupons, cashback services, etc. to enhance their online presence and boost sales. It offers a range of features tailored to help businesses maximize their affiliate marketing efforts and drive revenue.

Benefits of Peak and Rise Plans for SMBs

The Rise plan provides a cost-effective way to implement referral links and coupons, allowing businesses to test the waters without a significant upfront investment. The Rise plan allows businesses to track the performance of their marketing efforts, providing valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. This plan is ideal for SMBs looking to expand their customer base and increase sales, while also learning more about the effectiveness of different marketing strategies.

The Peak plan is designed for SMBs that are ready to take their marketing efforts to the next level. This plan offers advanced features in addition to the basic ones offered in the Rise plan. These might include more sophisticated tracking capabilities, allowing businesses to gain a deeper understanding of their customers’ journey and the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. This plan is perfect for SMBs that have seen the benefits of referral and affiliate marketing and are ready to invest more heavily in these strategies.

Regardless of the plan chosen, you can benefit greatly from mixing referral links and coupons in your marketing strategy. Referral links can leverage the trust and personal relationships of existing customers, while coupons can tap into the influence and reach of affiliate partners. By using both strategies, you can maximize your reach, targeting different segments of the market and catering to different customer preferences. 


While both coupons and affiliate programs are valuable marketing tools, they serve different purposes and cater to distinct marketing objectives. Coupons are ideal for short-term promotions, customer acquisition, and retention, while affiliate programs focus on leveraging partnerships to drive sales and expand reach. 

Businesses can benefit from using a combination of both strategies to maximize their marketing efforts and achieve their goals effectively. By understanding the differences between coupons and affiliate programs, businesses can make informed decisions on which approach best suits their needs and objectives.

Table of content


Benefits for Businesses


Affiliate Programs

Benefits for Businesses


How Can SMBs Benefit From Partnering With Admitad

Understanding Peak and Rise Plans

Rise Plan

Peak Plan

Benefits of Peak and Rise Plans for SMBs


Admitad is a German IT company headquartered in Heilbronn that develops and invests in services for media buying, increasing sales and attracting customers through online advertising, traffic and content monetization and earnings using a single platform.
Founded 2009-09-01, Lise-Meitner-Str, Heilbronn
Founder Alexander Bachmann