Alibaba WW
Similar programsRates
Commission: 3-7.70%
- Antigua a Barbuda
- Svatý Vincenc a Grenadiny
- Burundi
- Angola
- Arménie
- Kamerun
- Curaçao
- Jižní Georgie a Jižní Sandwichovy ostrovy
- Gruzie
- Svatá Helena
- Bosna a Hercegovina
- Benin
- Vánoční ostrov
- Svatý Tomáš a Princův ostrov
- Švýcarsko
- Guinea Bissau
- Čad
- Estonsko
- Togo
- Thajsko
- Hongkong
- Lesotho
- Kambodža
- Jordánsko
- Britské indickoocenánské území
- Laoská lidově demokratická republika
- Grenada
- Guam
- Jersey
- Afghánistán
- Chorvatsko
- Mauricius
- Island
- Sjednocená tanzanská republika
- Jižní Korea
- Komorské ostrovy
- Brunej
- Svatá Lucie
- Šrí Lanka
- Bostwana
- Maroko
- Moldavsko
- Kongo
- Mongolsko
- Menší odlehlé ostrovy USA
- Severní Mariany
- Mexiko
- Bouvetův ostrov
- Egypt
- Peru
- Pákistán
- Polsko
- Eritrea
- Paraguay
- Katar
- Portugalsko
- Srbsko
- Alžírsko
- Etiopie
- Wallis a Futuna
- Maďarsko
- Jemen
- Myanmar
- Mayotte
- Malawi
- Nizozemí
- Vanuatu
- Palau
- Zimbabwe
- Východní Timor
- Jihoafrická republika
- Jižní Súdán
- Slovinsko
- Zambie
- Tonga
- São Paulo
- Britské Panenské ostrovy
- Ukrajina
- Svatý Martin
- Svatý Martin
- Malta
- Vatikán (Městský stát Vatikán)
- Samoa
- Anguilla
- Nauru
- Americká Samoa
- Nový Zéland
- Austrálie
- Bhútán
- Belize
- Čile
- Česká republika
- Džibuti
- Dominikánská republika
- Španělsko
- Faerské ostrovy
- Gabon
- Irsko
- Guyana
- Izrael
- Irák
- Kazachstán
- Lucembursko
- Niger
- Marshallovy ostrovy
- Maledivy
- Mauritánie
- Andorra
- Spojené arabské emiráty
- Turkmenistán
- Saúdská Arábie
- Tuvalu
- Tchaj-wan
- Uganda
- Belgie
- Albánie
- Antarktida
- Alandy
- Barbados
- Ázerbajdžán
- Bangladéš
- Středoafrická republika
- Svatý Bartoloměj
- Bermudské ostrovy
- Francie
- Bolívie
- Bělorusko
- Ostrov Man
- Kanada
- Demokratická republika Kongo
- Cookovy ostrovy
- Kolumbie
- Kostarika
- Rakousko
- Bahrain
- Argentina
- Dominika
- Bahamské ostrovy
- Burkina Faso
- Bulharsko
- Kokosové ostrovy
- Fidži
- Falklandy (Malvíny)
- Kypr
- Německo
- Finsko
- Pobřeží slonoviny
- Aruba
- Federativní státy Mikronésie
- Rovníková Guinea
- Ekvádor
- Západní Sahara
- Velká Británie
- Guernsey
- Bonaire
- Brazílie
- Ghana
- Gibraltar
- Francouzská Guyana
- Kapverdy
- Gaudeloupe
- Dánsko
- Grónsko
- Gambie
- Řecko
- Jamajka
- Guinea
- Honduras
- Guatemala
- Heardův ostrov a McDonaldovy ostrovy
- Litva
- Haiti
- Indonésie
- Kiribati
- Lichtenštejnsko
- Makedonie
- Itálie
- Nikaragua
- Japonsko
- Keňa
- Svatý Kryštof a Nevis
- Omán
- Kyrgyzstán
- Portoriko
- Pitcairnovy ostrovy
- Kuvajt
- Kajmanské ostrovy
- Libanon
- Lybie
- Libérie
- Lotyšsko
- Monako
- Černá hora
- Madagaskar
- Mali
- Martinik
- Macao
- Montserrat
- Salvador
- Namibie
- Malajsie
- Rwanda
- Mosambik
- ostrov Norfolk
- Seychely
- Norsko
- Francouzská Polynésie
- Papua Nová Guinea
- Surinam
- Nepál
- Niue
- Panama
- Tokelau
- Filipíny
- Trinidad a Tobago
- Palestina
- Rumunsko
- Uruguay
- Réunion
- Americké Panenské ostrovy
- Švédsko
- Šalamounovy ostrovy
- Singapur
- Slovensko
- Sierra Leone
- Špicberky a Jan Mayen
- ostrovy Turks a Caicos
- Somálsko
- Senegal
- Svazijsko
- Francouzská jižní a antarktická území
- Tádžikistán
- Tunisko
- Turecko
- Vietnam
- Uzbekistán
- Venezuela
Informace o programu
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In order to start cooperation with the program, first you need to register in the system.
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Please be informed that starting from 15 of February the CPS Transaction Commission model has been updated. For orders which were made after 15.02.2024, the amount of reward will be recalculated according to the new commission model after next verification.
Commission Rule Update (for orders after December 1, 2024):
Order country | Paid Buyer Type | Commission Rate |
US/CA/MX/GB/DE/FR/AU/NL/ES/IT/KR/JP | New Paid Buyer | 7,7% |
Old Paid Buyer | 3,8% | |
Other | New Paid Buyer | 6,9% |
Old Paid Buyer | 3,8% |
You can earn up to 7,7% commission on every qualified order you bring to
To maximize your commission earnings, we recommend focusing your promotional activities on the following:
1. 12 Priority Countries: the United States (US), Canada (CA), Mexico (MX), Great Britain (GB), Germany (DE), France (FR), Australia (AU), Netherlands (NL), Spain (ES), Italy (IT), South Korea (KR), Japan (JP).
2. New Paid Buyer
a. Users who have not completed a payment on within the past 365 days
b. Users who place their first order and complete payment on
Launched in 1999, is is the world's largest B2B global trade marketplace and the leading provider of online marketing services for importers and exporters. They have tens of millions of products, including Consumer Electronics, Apparel, Beauty & Personal Care and so on.
The CPS Affiliate Program is free and easy to join. Alibaba buyers are from more than 200 countries & regions and one buyer value can reach to $200.
Alibaba Mission
As part of the Alibaba Group, the mission of is to make it easy to do business anywhere.
They do this by giving suppliers the tools necessary to reach a global audience for their products, and by helping buyers find products and suppliers quickly and efficiently.
One-Stop Sourcing brings hundreds of millions of products in over 40 different major categories, including consumer electronics, machinery and apparel.
Buyers for these products are located in 190+ countries and regions, and exchange hundreds of thousands of messages with suppliers on the platform each day.
Please pay attention that you can only create deeplinks leading to products. It is impossible to create deeplinks leading to product categories and promotional landing pages.
All variants of using the word Alibaba, including misspellings like "allibaba" + different combinations in contextual advertising are PROHIBITED. Publishers will be immediately disconnected from the offer and will not be paid any commission for their orders. You can find the examples of prohibited keywords HERE.
Please also check CPS Commission Settlement Rule HERE.