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GeekBuying - it is a professional and reliable online store founded in 2012, which specializes in selling electronics: TV set-top boxes, smartphones, tablets, video recorders and other gadgets (more than 10,000 products in 14 major categories). As the name implies, GeekBuying popular with hundreds of thousands of geeks around the world.
GeekBuying team focused on customer needs, meet their needs and trying to exceed their expectations. was created to present to the world the most interesting gadgets at incredibly low prices.
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Target audience: men aged 18 to 45 years.
Description of categories by rates:
- Category 1: Computers, Tablets & Accessories, Security System,Smart Home & Garden,Consumer Electronics,Automobiles & Motorcycles - 5%
- Category 2: Sports & Outdoors - 6%
- Category 3: Fashion - 8%
- Category 4: Phones & Accessories 2%
- Other categories: TV Boxes & Mini PCs, Toys & Hobbies, Wearable Devices - 4%
- Order from APP - 4%
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