World of Warships [CPP] WW
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Informace o programu
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RU and BY traffic is not accepted in this offer. Please apply to Мир Кораблей [CPP] RU, BY offer.
World of Warships - participant of GameFest 2025.
From 1st to 31st December, 2024
1st place — receives a 20% rate increase for the whole of February.
2nd place — receives a 15% rate increase for the whole of February
3rd place — receives a 10% rate increase for the whole of February.
You can also receive increase in further month by driving more quality traffic in January and February.
All traffic will be checked for quality. Standard KPI rules are applied. Minimal leads for participation - 30 logins
Apply to new affiliate program World of Warships [CPP] WW!
World of Warships - is an action MMO that plunges players into intense naval combat. Immerse yourself in the world of epic naval warfare and command legendary warships from the early 20th century in a free-to-play massively multiplayer online game.
HUGE BONUSES for the new players!
The full list of the bonuses for the new players:
- St. Louis — American Tier III cruiser
- Emden - German promo premium Tier II cruiser
- 7 days of premium account
- 200 doubloons
- 20X camouflage restless fire
- 2,5 million credits
Key features:
- The World of Warships fleet features over 200 ships, dating back to World War I and World War II. Put on your commander's cap, find out which warship type suits you, and amass a navy of your own.
- Choose the flag you want to sail under. In World of Warships, you can decide between the leading naval forces. Study their national peculiarities, weak and strong points, and use them in battle to develop your own tactics!
- Sea battles take place among unique landscapes in different locations all over the world: from the shores of Latin America to northern waters and beyond. The game includes a few dozen game maps, each requiring unique game tactics.
- At sea, there are always plenty of opportunities for heroic deeds and achievements. Show your worth! For each battle, you can receive heroic awards and valuable in-game goods. Each battle will develop your service record. Start your naval career now!
- Join a team and engage in battles against bots or real players. You can also invite your friends and create your own invincible Division or join a clan to find like-minded captains. Team up and take advantage of all the in-game features!