Půjčka Česká spořitelna CZ

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EPC 5$
CR 1.3%
Approval rate 8.5%
Approval rate 8.5%
Avg. hold time 54 days
Avg. hold time 54 days
Cookie lifetime 30 days
Average payment time 54 days



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Česká spořitelna is the largest bank in the Czech Republic in terms of the number of clients, which is approximately 4.493 million for the entire group (which includes, for example, building societies and pension companies).4 It is part of the Vienna-based Erste Group operating in Central and Eastern Europe.

Product information 
The loan from Česká spořitelna offers the possibility of a loan from as little as 2 thousand. CZK, individually up to CZK 2 500 000 for anything and without collateral. You can have the money in your account in just 15 minutes, and you can set the amount of the repayment and the time when you want to repay the loan. In addition, you can save up to 15 monthly repayments if you repay properly. Borrow for up to 10 years at a favourable interest rate from 6.9% with regular repayment.

Clients can take advantage of forgiveness of up to 15 repayments if they repay properly. They will thus repay the loan earlier and save on interest. In addition, clients can reduce or increase the repayment or postpone it at any time during the repayment period free of charge. As part of the comparison with competitors, we have been allowed to communicate a rate as low as 6.9% with proper repayment. This is in fact the most common interest rate provided to our clients, which clients can reach with proper repayment and forgiveness of repayments, see representative example.

Representative example
The loan of CZK 140 000 with a maturity of 96 months and an interest rate of 9.49% per annum has a monthly repayment of CZK 2 109. The one-off fee for arranging the loan online is CZK 0, while the fee at the branch is CZK 1 400. The monthly loan administration fee is CZK 0, the APR is 10,07 % and the total amount payable by the consumer is CZK 202 348. With proper repayment, the number of forgivable instalments on this loan will be 12, the repayment period will be 84 months, the interest rate will be 6.94% per annum, the APR will be 7.36% and the total amount payable by the consumer will be CZK 177 156. The amount of the monthly instalment remains unchanged. For more detailed terms and conditions of the remuneration in the form of waiver of repayments, please refer to the loan agreement. We set the interest rate of the loans individually for each client. However, the rate will never exceed 19.99%.

A summary of the benefits of a loan from Česká spořitelna:

  • - Interest from 6.9% p.a. with proper repayment
  • - We forgive up to 15 repayments, so clients pay off the loan earlier and save on interest
  • - Trial loan, you can return it within 30 days for free
  • - The loan can be from 2 thousand to 2.5 million crowns, for anything and without collateral
  • - You can reduce or increase your repayment at any time during the repayment period, or postpone it
  • - Arranging online or over the phone is free
  • - Reduction, increase (change) of repayments free of charge
  • - Free postponement of repayments
  • - Free monthly management
  • - We will lend even if you are with another bank
  • - Over 1800 ATMs
  • - Over 400 branches open even on weekends
  • - Stable bank, we'll be 200 years old by 2025
  • - Digital banking George
  • - 24/7 support

You can use for ad texts these sentences:

- Úrok od 6,9 % p.a. při řádném splácení
- Klientům odpustíme až 15 splátek, půjčku tak doplatí dříve a ušetří na úrocích
- Půjčka na zkoušku, můžete ji do 30 dnů vrátit zdarma
- Půjčka může být již od 2 tisíc až do 2,5 milionu korun, na cokoli a bez zajištění
- Splátku si můžete během splácení kdykoli snížit nebo zvýšit, případně odložit
- Sjednání online nebo po telefonu je zdarma
- Snížení, zvýšení (změna) splátek zdarma
- Předčasné splacení zdarma
- Zdarma odložení splátek
- Zdarma měsíční správa
- Půjčíme, i když jste u jiné banky
- Přes 1800 bankomatů
- Přes 400 poboček otevřených i o víkendu
- Stabilní banka, 2025 budeme mít 200 let
- Digitální bankovnictví George
- Nonstop podpora 24/7


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