Victoria’s Secret AE SA
Podobne programyInformacje o Programie Partnerskim w Polsce
Ten program partnerski jest dostępny w sieci Admitad
Aby rozpocząć współpracę z programem należy najpierw zarejestrować się w systemie.
Dlaczego Admitad?
- szczegółowa analiza i przydatne narzędzia,
- płatności ekspresowe,
- ogromny wybór programów partnerskich,
- zaufało nam 645738 wydawców,
- i wiele więcej.
Victoria's Secret is the leading specialty retailer of lingerie and beauty products, dominating its field with modern fashion-inspired collections, prestige fragrances and cosmetics, celebrated supermodels and world-famous runway shows
A world of luxury in more than 1,000 stores from the leading business of LBrands.
Benefits of Victoria's Secret affiliate program:
- High average check
- Famous brand
- Vast audience
For context//SEM campaigns please use the list of prohibited keywords. Brand Bidding is not allowed. Prohibited usage of brand name, as well as any misspellings and variations: "Victoria's Secret" (e.g., "Victoria Secret", "victoriassecret", “viktoria secret”, etc). Prohibited usage of the brand name + geo/voucher / coupon.
- The publisher will be immediately disconnected if any violation found.