Unlock the full potential of marketing with New Generation Promo codes

Acquire new customers and increase revenue by distributing promo codes with our trusted partners

How it works

You provide us with a bunch of promo codes that will be distributed among our trusted content creators, influencers, loyalty programs and others. You only pay the agreed commission for actual sales generated through those promo codes.

How to start working with new generation promo codes

Step 1

Register as a Brand

Step 2

Launch Your Promo code campaign

Step 3

Upload Promo Codes

Step 4

Invite Affiliates

Step 5

Think of Your Promo Strategy

Step 6

Watch How Your Sales Increase

Key benefits

Simplified Attribution

Simplified Attribution

Say goodbye to complex attribution models. With our unique promo code-based tracking, you get a clear, transparent, and hassle-free way to attribute sales directly to your affiliates.

Wider Reach

Wider Reach

Access a broader network of publishers, including social media influencers and content creators who prefer direct, uncomplicated promotion methods. Expand your reach, diversify your traffic sources, and unlock new audience segments.

Clear, Transparent Costs

Clear, Transparent Costs

With the CPS model, the only cost is a fee for sales made, making your marketing spend more efficient and predictable.

Boosted Sales and Conversions

Boosted Sales and Conversions

Experience a significant lift in sales and conversion rates as customers enjoy direct, hassle-free discounts while affiliates are highly motivated to bring you more sales.

Tailored Promotions

Tailored Promotions

Every publisher gets a dedicated code, ensuring that promotions are personalized and targeted, enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of your marketing efforts

Cross-Browser and Cross-Device attribution

Cross-Browser and Cross-Device attribution

Experience seamless conversion tracking across browsers and devices without relying on cookies. Our promo code-based solution ensures accurate attribution of every conversion, regardless of how or where your customers complete their purchases.

Case Study


Admitad & UberEats

From the program launch to the end of 2022, we recorded a 48% increase in orders generated under the affiliate program. The number of active publishers involved in promoting the Uber Eats brand increased by almost three times.

Uber Eats launched a promo campaign – Burger Day to attract new customers.

The campaign results showed that half of the new customers finalizing orders in the Uber Eats application were acquired by Admitad.


Admitad & Nayomi

Nayomi, being a prominent brand in the UAE and utilizing a large number of promo codes, faced a significant challenge in tracking the statistics of dispatched promo materials due to the manual work involved in the process.

From 60% to 90% increase – the overall share of promo code orders for the past 3 months compared to the same period of the previous year. 262% increase of the AOV of promo code orders.


Is full integration required to utilize the New Generation promo codes model if resources are limited?

No, the New Generation Promo codes program can work without full integration. If resources are limited, you can provide us with a file containing updated reports manually. This flexibility ensures you can start benefiting from the solution immediately, without extensive setup requirements.

Can I offer personalized promo codes to specific publishers within the network?

Absolutely! You can create a new group within our system and assign personalized codes to any publisher you choose. This allows you to tailor your promotional strategies to match specific partners, enhancing the effectiveness of your campaigns.

What if I’m concerned about providing promo codes to low-performing publishers?

Our system is designed with performance in mind. You can set up automatic withdrawal of promo codes from publishers who do not bring in sales over a selected period. These promo codes will then be reclaimed and redistributed, ensuring they are utilized by publishers who can deliver results. This feature makes our tool highly efficient and adaptable to your needs.

Start boosting your sales with coupons and promo codes now

Расскажите нам о своей компании

Admitad is a German IT company headquartered in Heilbronn that develops and invests in services for media buying, increasing sales and attracting customers through online advertising, traffic and content monetization and earnings using a single platform.
Founded 2009-09-01, Lise-Meitner-Str, Heilbronn
Founder Alexander Bachmann