FeverUP Many GEOs Programa de Afiliados
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Programa de Afiliados faz Parte do Admitad Brasil Informação
Para iniciar a cooperação com o programa, primeiro você precisa se cadastrar no sistema.
Por que Admitad?
- análises detalhadas e ferramentas úteis,
- pagamentos expressos,
- enorme variedade de programas afiliados,
- confiável por 645738 editores,
- e muito mais.
What is Fever?
Fever helps users discover the best plans and experiences in their cities.
Whether you don’t want to stay at home but have a lack of inspiration. Or you would like to discover a new restaurant. If you need a romantic massage and an evening at the movies. Or if you’d prefer to learn about the best soirees in your city or the upcoming festivals near you.
We have a variety of experiences as wide as our users’ profiles. From tastings, to yoga classes, to immersive theatres, to summer festivals. A plan for every mood.
What can you find on Fever?
On Fever, you will mainly find two types of events:
- Brands and businesses we’ve partnered with, such as cinema tickets, restaurant menus, plays or parties. Buying on Fever often includes a special benefit (special price, no queues, courtesy drinks…)
- Fever Original Events, which are experiences Fever develops from the beginning to the end, and can only be bought through the Fever platform.
Given the nature of our product, we have privileged information and details about users’ preferences and interests. This allows us to learn and create tailored experiences for them, this being one of our main strengths.