inDrive [CPA, Android+IOS] Many GEOs

Similar programs
EPC 37$
CR 0%
Approval rate 88.9%
Approval rate 88.9%
Avg. hold time 61 days
Avg. hold time 61 days
Cookie lifetime 30 days
Average payment time 61 days

Information about the Affiliate Program in United States

Join the new offer inDrive [CPA, Android] Many GEOs!   

Use an alternative taxi order in the cities of Pakistan, Colombia, Egypt, India, Mexico, Chile, Indonesia. Save on city trips and long-distance travel around the country! inDriver is a popular mobile app that brings drivers and passengers together! Do you often order a taxi? Use a modern and technological format for ordering a trip with a lot of advantages. And save on long-distance travel!

Allowed traffic sources:

  • FB - by agreement
  • Inapp Traffic
  • Goodle ads - by agreement
  • Tiktok
  • Snapchat

Forbidden traffic sources:

  • Incentive traffic
  • Adult
  • Mobile web

Advantages for publishers:

  • High rates
  • No limits
  • Many geos
  • Ability to use own creatives

The rule of link creation:

Example of the link:{{admitad_uid}}&c=offerind_ic_client_ua_admitad_cpa_br_0_android_230608&af_­adset={{publisher_id}}_{{subid}}
You should сhange the Android/IOS and Country in parameter  "с" offerind_ic_client_ua_admitad_cpa_br_0_andr_230608

GEO and price

VTA should not exceed 30%

More than 45% of fraud cases are not paid for.
PostInstall 7 days

Admitad is a German IT company headquartered in Heilbronn that develops and invests in services for media buying, increasing sales and attracting customers through online advertising, traffic and content monetization and earnings using a single platform.
Founded 2009-09-01, Lise-Meitner-Str, Heilbronn
Founder Alexander Bachmann